Additional features include a spell and grammar checker as an option for those who mistype a lot. That’s not just all that it has, it even has a Text-to-HTML and HTML-to-Text editor.
Its interface is quite efficient and requires less from your PC or laptop to work with and provides really fast results. Going through its features, Jarte is supported by Windows 7/XP/Vista. Although there is a paid version of Jarte available, if you’ll only be working on Word and WordPad files, the free version is pretty good too. This amazing word processor is based on the WordPad engine and is absolutely free of cost. Let’s have a look at the MS Word alternatives that you’ll want to download: 1) Jarte If you’re one of the people that need downloadable word processors, then you’re in for a treat as we’ve listed some of the best downloadable word processor programs of 2019. Then they are definitely in need of a good word processor that can be downloaded. People don’t have the internet around them all the time, yet they want to complete their work on time. So, today we’re going to take a look at the best word processors of 2019 that’ll prove to be amazing replacements for your current office utilities. There are plenty of effective replacements available now that are both small in size and very useful. The year is 2019 and the world today doesn’t use only Microsoft Word.

Well, what do you do? You find a good and a free word processor that is both small in space and effective in results. So you own a laptop or maybe a tablet that has a very limited amount of space and you need to edit important word files.